Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I had to cancel the Holiday Craft Show. It's still going on, I just had to personally cancel because we can't afford for my husband to take another day off from work and there is no one to watch the kiddies. I can't take them with me for fear of them getting hurt. They will not have my full attention so I had to cancel. I will be putting up all the stuff I made on Etsy since I will not be selling at the locale.

I am very sad that I had to cancel but you have to make sacrifices when you have a family! It's OK though, I hope I at least sell at my Etsy Shop!

Happy Holidays~!~

Monday, December 7, 2009


So I sold some necklaces on Etsy this week and I am created more. It is way hard to do so with small children in the house and then you throw in the end of the semester and BLAM! everything is moving too slow but my friend is hosting a Holiday Craft Fair this coming weekend in our neighborhood and she invited me to sell and now I am freaking out because I don't have much to sell and I am trying to make stuff and it's really hard to get it done. PLUS i have to set prices and get bags and all that fun stuff! I am bringing stuff to work so I can create during lunch but I doubt I will have much come Saturday. But I did warn them that I would have very little but hopefully the little I have will sell! Don't have much $ to get the girls anything but I am not too worried because they are still young but my friends and family (including my hubby) are getting next to nothing from me. The only people I will get for is my nephew and both my BBF's children and of course my Mom.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thanksgiving will be at my house again this year. In my family, this is probably the funniest holiday that we share. We only sit around the table on Turkey Day. Christmas we just have like a smorgasbord of food so people eat when they feel like it. But put all of us at the table together and we can't stop laughing!! Last year I had my brother-in-law announce at the end of the prayer, that I was pregnant for the second time. I was only 8 weeks and didn't want to tell them so early but I think they would have found out when I didn't have drinks! This year I am hoping that my brother-in-law gets off from work (he is a fireman) so he can tell everyone that my other sister is pregnant, in which she is not but it would be really funny just to joke around!

So all the list of people who are coming:
1- Mom
2- Brother Kenny
3- Sister Christine (who the joke will be about)
4- Her husband Dave
5- Their 20 month old son Kenny
6- Sister Colleen
7- her husband John (who may or may not come)
8- My husband's brother Johan
9- his son Ray
10- Me
11- Hubby
12- Marley
13- Vinni

I also have a lot of friends and other family members who will stop by for drinks and snacks. The following weekend the tree will be put up and Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year!

I hope everyone has a great and safe holiday season and will you all the love in the world! if you have any great Turkey Day stories please share!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lazy Kinda Weekend

Okay I'll admit it...I did nothing this weekend! it was nice whattya expect? ON Friday me and the hubby relaxed and had some drinks at home. Saturday I had the kiddies all day by myself and it's getting better. Vinni is not as much as a crybaby as she was before. She is getting used to the outside world. Saturday night I went out to eat with my sister, Colleen and my Mother and we laughed a lot then came back to my house for after dinner drinks and my brother, Kenny came down to join in on the laughter and then Sunday we went shopping and then dinner at my other sister's house, Christine. So I did not get and Etsy-ing done. but I had a nice full week of laziness and laughter.

Wednesday I have off and I plan on catching up with the laundry and such. Maybe if time permits I will at least make some jewelry but it's hard since I am obsessed with reading LOL. I figure there is always time for something! If there is space I will fill it!

This coming weekend is supposed to be fun. Friday we are going to a museum where I used to work to hang out with some old friends and Saturday my hubby is taking off and I am going to get my color done (FINALLY!!!!) and after that who knows! I am hoping the weather stays like this just a while longer...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Coming Soon...

So I made some crochet necklaces at home yesterday but I didn't get a chance to take pics and put them up yet. Hopefully this weekend I will get a chance to do so. I also got a bunch of new beads and other jewelry items that I can't wait to get into but as you guys already know time is not always on my side. Crocheting is not so hard because you really don't have to look at what you are doing.

I used to make everything under the sun: bookmarks, name meaning signs, invitations, candy wrappers, light switch plates, and so on but now with the kiddies ;-) and school I don't have much time for it. I do it when someone I know asks me to but I don't really tell many about it because I already have enough on my plate!

I will let you know if I out up anything this weekend on Etsy but in the meantime I am off to get my haircut!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


There needs to be a point in my life where I get to stop for 30 seconds!! I am constantly running around. I like it and I hate it at the same time. I like to keep busy but it would also be nice just to stop and"smell the flowers". Ahhh well!

Anyways Vinni went to the doctors for her 4 month check up and she is 16.9 lbs! The last we checked Marley she was 19lbs and I don't think she gained much since then. She is going for her check-up on the `16th so we will see then. They wear the same size diapers! Marley is in 12m clothing still and Vinni is in 6m. I am trying to get hand-me-downs from all my friends! I hate to go out and buy new clothing since they grow so quickly but if they start to share clothing (which will be in no time) then I would have to go shopping because I only have enough clothes for one kid!

On another note. I have sold a few more things on Etsy and the feedback I get say that the pics don't do them justice! It's good and bad feedback. Of course it's good because they like it better than they expected and we all know that feeling! But it's also bad because it means I can probably sell more if my pics were more intriguing. I will get to it soon enough now that I got the new camera (the dual screen AKA Ashton Kutcher camera). I gotta update my shop soon! I will get on it once school is over -I think 5-6 weeks???

Hope all is well and I miss you guys!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We are all sick!!! I got Marley a flu shot as well as myself (in which I never did before) but I was told by the doctors to get one if there was a baby under 6 months at home. Of course my babysitter didn't get one! Anyways, ever since then I have been feeling really crappy lately. I don't know if it is just from coincidence or what but Last week I was really achy and I went to work, on Friday I took off because I had the worst migraine ever, and then today I feel horrible. It all started last night in class. I started to feel really achy and then last night in bed I must have woke up several times with a fever, hot, cold, achy and so on. Both Vinni and Marley are congested and I have to go out and buy another humidifier for Marley (or Vinni). I hate this feeling and I hate having to come to work when I feel like crap but I never know when my sitter needs to take off or what-not so I have to deal with it!

AHHHH! Isn't motherhood grand!??!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Another Win!!!

OK let's not call me a dork. Let's call me a Reader Extraordinaire! I won yet another book off of I love getting these emails saying I won. These new books are Goodreads birthday gifts to me! After I read them of course I have to rate them and give me special little thoughts about it but that's fine I do it anyway! Here is what I've won! Courage of Fear by Barbara Boyer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Miss Me? I've Won 2 Books!!!

First I would like to say sorry for me not being around much. I know I used ti be on here like all the time, but hey, life it hectic! I miss you guys of course! My hubby ordered the new Dual Screen Samsung Camera for me for my B-day (10/25) so I should start to get more pics of my jewelry up!

OK, now for my great news. I am apart of cause I love my books and they always have these First-Reads book giveaways and, as usual, I entered a few and guess what? I've won 2 books from two different authors.


Well, I will try to be on here more often. You can always find me at Facebook! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well I got number 9! Nothing else to report I guess!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Losing a lot of Stuff Lately!!!

OK, here goes...we just sold a double stroller that we had on Craigslist for $100 and guess what! My husband lost it!!!! he lost the $100 Bucks!!! We have next to nothing in the bank and that is why we are selling a lot of our stuff and here goes my husband losing it! AHHH It makes me sick just to think of it. and then on top of that I jumped outta the car to get a book at the library and my expensive Guess Denim Jacket must have fell out OR it could have fell out when I went to get out of the car to go home (which is only 5 very short blocks from the library). There was a bunch of teens sitting outside so they may have noticed it but I didn't know it was lost until the next morning when I went to go to work. I love that jacket and I also don't have a thin jacket or a everyday heavy sweater to wear before the winter and I also don't have much money to spare to buy a new one!!! BUT I am going to buy this one from the best seller on can find her at This will work with most outfits I am very excited!!!

Gosh, this drives me insane. I am hoping to sell my other (also expensive) single stroller. I got this one at my baby shower for Marley but we rarely ever used it. We always used the Snap N' Go (which we are also thinking of selling). I think we used it like 4-5 times?!? Anyway I just had to moan about it. When it was purchased it was $350 and we are trying to sell it for $125

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I gotta say that my husband is obsessed with Craiglist and I gotta admit that it is pretty darn cool. I got rid of a double stroller and gave away a lot of free stuff such as an old TV, preemie clothes, some other baby items and formulas. Vinni switched so many times I had a lot of extra stuff and I would hate to charge someone for them when I didn't pay anything for them. We also brought a lot of stuff from them as well. We got an entertainment center, computer closet, and a lot of other crap too. A lot of people just want it out of the way, like us. Instead of tossing out of the street at least give an opportunity to someone who needs is to get their mitts on it!

It is also good for trying to find stuff as well. I have used it for advertisements for my sites.

I also like it for trying to find other things like Spanish lessons. It is just a thought. I think everyone should try it out at least once!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Complusive Shopper!

I know that I have next to nothing in the bank but come on, this is awesome! Thank goodness for Credit Cards (or maybe not!). I found this on Etsy of course at I have so many of their items on my Favorites but I never brought anything until I saw this one and I love it!

Of course I also brought three more pendants from I brought another flower focal and the other two she custom made for me. One has 2 birds on a branch, one red and one blue, to represent my two girls and the other one is a yellow hot air balloon. I know, I know, I have other things to by, like food! but sometime I just can't help myself! I have to go to compulsive shopper rehab or something! But I promise myself this, that I will not even look on Etsy for awhile!

I have to get back to making jewelry. Maybe with my profits and can buy more great stuff off of Etsy. LOL. I would always be willing to trade.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Since I am a big reader I love to write down quotes from some books. I know a lot of people who write or highlight the words in the book but I just can't bring myself to do so. Now I write in a journal! I also like to list the books that I want to read and I like to write down the books that I am reading. I picked out a goal for me which is to read 65 books from November 2008 to November 2009. So far I am up to 29 so I don't think I am going to make it! But hey come November I will just make it a little smaller. It's hard to read when you have work, school, and 2 kids!! Plus, I was so tired when I was pregnant that I just couldn't bring myself to read!

I found a lot of cool journals on Etsy but one that just blew my mind was Doti's. She makes vintage record notebooks and they are awesome! See for yourself. Her site it

I have been writing mostly on my other blog about my books and the like so if you are interested in checking it out it is called But I would love to hear about your reads and stuff here as well!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, I am slowly coming to terms that I may never travel. I mean truly travel, not, like, to Las Vegas or a cruise to Central American (never done it) I mean to like Ireland or New Zealand. Money is always an issue. I am hoping that maybe when I am older (like, retirement). I can't afford to have children either but that is something that always will work itself out. You don't really need to save for children per say (college?) you can just live everyday and just go from there. Whereas with traveling you need money to get there and once your there, you need money to survive it. It sucks sometimes to live paycheck to paycheck but then again it is also good because you respect the cost of things and understand how to manage and stretch but I really shouldn't complain. There are people who have way less than me and probably have more children.

I am just ranting because I am reading such a great book Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts only to find out that a friend of mine read it too and went to India and saw all the place that was mentioned in the book. He has traveled a lot and told me that you really don't need much money. He and his girlfriend travels a lot and what they do it basically sleep on couches and stay and random peoples houses. He told me that there are websites that list people who are willing to allow you to stay with them. But they have no worries and no children so I guess it is easy for them to do such things. i can't make such a big risk.

Anyway, sorry for my rant. I will stop now. I am back to work and back to the daily craziness so I am not just ready to jump into making more jewelry as of now. I am still trying to get used to the swing of things. I made some of the crochet necklaces but have not put them into the shop yet because my camera is still MIA and I have yet to purchase a new one. Oh well!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


OK guys I am back! I have been out on maternity leave for 8 weeks and my time has run out. I think I am actually happy to return to work. I was kinda going stir-crazy. I am used to moving about. These kids keep me busy but I mean I am used to working and going to school and the like. While at home I was running around like crazy doing errands but I also was unable to leave the house without someones help because of the big double strollers. I have a bad back to begin with and once you pair that with a c-section, well....

I know life is going to be nuts come Tuesday because I then go back to school and the last time I left my husband for a night (I was back by midnight) I thought he was going to cry. It is hard to have a 16 month old and an infant but hey, it will all pay off sooner or later , right? My doctor told me that if I have another one he will kill me LOL he called me almost every night when I was pregnant at the end because of my high BP. He said he couldn't sleep at night and that is why we went early, so he could sleep. I later found out that he is expecting his first soon. He also said that he will take my uterus out! That of course was a joke! I went for my last visit on Monday and it will be weird not seeing that office for another year! They have become family :'(

Well, there is so much that I need to catch up on. There is only so much I could do on my iPhone! I never like to go on the computer when I am home. But being a new Mommy again is tough but def a great thing. Marley is great. She is running and attempting to talk and Vinni is fussy but I swear she smiles at me and neither of them sleep thru the night yet but Vinni is better at it than Marley! I am sure life will get better soon so long as we stick to the schedules!!

I so have not done anything on my time off. I made to jewelry. I brought some yarn but every attempt to make something just never worked out. Marley would constantly rip things apart and knock things over and she would put everything in her mouth. My hubby is going to try to set me up a place where I can work and not really be bothered. Plus the yarn necklaces don't really sell in the summer for obvious reasons so next month i will get re-started on making more.

Hope all is well on everyone else's side!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hey All!!!

Just stopping by real quick to say everything is great thus far. Vinni is healthy and her lungs are working just fine. Marley has her little jealous moments but we make sure we give them both the same attention and love.

I also wanted to thank Diane Eve for being so great!

My 3 year wedding anniversary is today and luckily my Mother is going to watch the babies while we go to our fave restaurant in Queens (Mardi Gras). I can enjoy a cocktail or three!!

Well, as I said it will be shirt and sweet and I hope everyone is doing great and I will try my best to keep you guys well informed until I go back to work in September, THEN I will be online more often!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hello Everyone!!

Well, the c-section was a success and Vinni Francis was born on July 1st at 2:08 PM She was 6lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. Marley Lynn was born at 4lbs 12oz and 17 inches long and the only difference was 1 week!. Marley was born 5 weeks early and Vinni 4 weeks early.

It was a crazy day. I finally got scheduled and then I get there and 11am rolls around and they didn't want to do the section because of my BP it started to go normal and they felt that I should not go through with it for another week unless I did and amnio that proved that the lungs were mature. So as I was going to do it (in which I really did not want to do) my OBGYN walk sin and says that we are going to go and do it because they were high readings of my BP (153/114 to be exact).

Anyways it was a mess but it was done and Vinni was very much healthy. So healthy that I left the hospital in 2 days!!!

I hate c-sections and I am not really sure I ever want to do it again. I love being pregnant and I would love to have at least one more but I have such a hard time healing that I just don't know if my body can take it one more time. My BP is still high and now I have to see my regular doctor once a week. So I am stuck in the house because not only can't I really bring Vinni out yet but Whenever I really move about my BP sky-rockets! Oh well, I should be better shortly! I would love to enjoy the rest of the summer. I was on bedrest for a week before the delivery.

Now Marley is sick and I have to keep them seperated so my cousin is helping by keeping Marley in a different room so that Vinni doesn't get sick....The fun never ends ;-)

Anyway all is good and I thank everyone for their concerns and warm wishes! I will try to keep this updated as much as possible.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Scheduled for Wednesday!

I am not going to write long but I just wanted to keep everyone up to date. My BP was been going up and down for over a week now and I have been going back and forth to the hospital and to my doctor's office. When I had Marley, I had an emergency C-section 5 weeks early because of the same thing, high BP but then my placenta abrupted so...My doctor wants to take the baby at 36 weeks (which is 4 weeks early) He doesn't want to risk anything so I have been on strict bed rest for over a week and my brother just let me use his laptop so YAY!! It seems that every time I walk, stand or even sit upright my BP goes up but if I am laying down (especially on my left) then my BP is normal and I can stay home instead of going to the hospital.

SOOOOO My doc has scheduled my c-section for this Wednesday July 1st! Which means I will be back home either Friday *crossing fingers* or Saturday (which is July 4th) but I no longer care. This pregnancy has been very uncomfortable and I just want whats best for the both of us! I got another Sonogram and still can't tell the sex! I don't care I just want s/he to be healthy!

Well, wish me luck! I am nervous as all heck! I had such a bad experience the first time around and it took me so long to heal that I am freaking out a little but my theory is...Is will go away (the pain that is!)

Happy Fourth!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Going Vintage

So I had the House to myself last night but I was in too much pain to do anything so I rested! I am not ashamed! There is so much to do but I need to rest. Anyway I have some vintage jewelry that I have to put up here is a pair of earrings. But I can't find my camera still so this is a shot from my iPhone.

I have other jewelry but I have yet to get a good shot of them. I wanted to go to some garage sales but this weather is just too much. Well, as some Jewish people have told me "if it rains on Shavous (sp?) then it will rain the whole summer" and it has and I am done with it!! KI just moved closer to the beach to not even enjoy it. I just hope the weather gets better when Vinni is here so I can go for nice walks.

Well, not much else to report (I am sure I can think of a million things to ramble on about but...?)

Congrats again Jude on Wynnie!!! you have to send me the details!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And it's only Wednesday!

Jeez, this week has been crazy!! I took off Monday because my body was just achy and my sciatica just Hearts me ;-I My doctor wants me to to schedule my c-section for July 22nd! That would leave me at 39 weeks! I want whats best but it's scary!! I can't go into labor because of the previous pregnancy so 39 weeks is cutting it too close! I have to go to the Doc every 2 weeks now so we will see.

My Sitter decided that she wasn't coming in on Tuesday because she was helping a friend. I didn't know this until I had to get up and get ready for work that morning. My hubby has to leave the house by 5:15 AM on Tuesdays so I had to figure out what to do with Marley. Of course not one person answered the phone or door! God forbid anything had happened to me (ie: water broke, bled...) Everyone always says "Call me if you need a sitter..." Well, I did and you weren't there. SO, I had to take Marley to work with me WITHOUT a stroller!!! I have double strollers and jogging strollers and I couldn't take either on NYC's mass transit with me! So I had to carry her from the bus stop to my office (3 long blocks and 8 months preg!) I went to Rite Aid and brought an umbrella stroller (lightweight and $15!) It was my lifesaver! My hubby got us around 4 PM but Marley was such a good girl and I just was very happy with her!

Today was just a busy day and I just want to go home. I am still having back pain and the sciatica has moved to my left side and I am limping (not waddling) but my hubby wants to go to his family's house for dinner but I told him to take Marley and have fun! I will stay home and rest and maybe if I am feeling up to it to make some jewelry!

Well, here is a pick of my little girl playing with her new magnets that Aunt Colleen got her!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bounin' Baby

WOW! there are so many cool things for babies these days! Aren't I Lucky? Well, broke & lucky! I found these bookends and I love them sooooooo much!!! You can find these at She has a lot of great stuff I just really REALLY want these!
So remember when I mentioned a few days ago that I wanted a new diaper stacker for the babies? Well I found this one women who did a double one for me and I think it is perfect!! I could not believe that she did this. I don't want to show it yes until she gives the OK. I love it though and I love all the items in her shop. You can check her shop out at She is also super sweet too.
Pregnancy news??? Well my back i absolutely killing me and I cannot get comfortable anymore. I have always had a bad back and it didn't bother me when I was pregnant with Marley but now....Phew I can't wait til it's over. Also, I don't know of how many people are pregnant out there who read this but I have strange dreams!! I dreamed the other night that I had a boy and he was 8lbs 9oz and 19 inches. His name was Wheylin Matthew (we never even considered Matthew as a middle name but we like it!) There were other strange things then too but that was very clear. Last night I had a dream that we kept forgetting Vinni. She would sleep all the time and we would just forget her...It is all weird but I am just hoping for the best.
Have a great and NON-rainy weekend everyone and Congrats Jude on Wynnie!!! Send more details when you are feeling up to it!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Selling Vintage?

Well, I have a lot of vintage jewelry (most of which I can not part with) and I was thinking of opening up another store. I have a store open but nothing is in it yet. I was going to sell some of photography but it just doesn't seem worth it to me because I already have a lot on my plate and to make it a point to go and and take pics ans then Photoshop (if need be) and then....So I figured that I would sell vintage jewelry. What do ya think? I think it is a good idea.

I love to shop around garage sales and flea markets for hopes of some good stuff so...?? It also gives me a chance to talk Marley out for a walk PLUS I can take along Vinni(?) when she(?) arrives and I can work off that extra baby weight ;-)

So, as I said before I have another shop but I have yet to put stuff up but the only thing that I am having trouble with is creating a Vintage store. I originally set it up as a Handmade store and now I want to change it. Does anyone know how to do this? I have been searching around Etsy and have yet to figure it out so if you could help that would be great.

Hope all is well!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well, I am attempting to get into the Etsy community more so I lowered some of the prices of some items for the YART Sale and I am also giving FREE S&H for all orders over $25! I hope this brings in more sales but I am worried because I have yet to put up more items that I made. I have them but as I said in an earlier Post that I cannot find my camera. I am just going to take some pics from the iphone I guess. But it will have to wait until I get back from work.

Yesterday I took the day off. As you already know I was sick so I spent the day just relaxing until I had to go to my Prenatal visit. My doctor wants me to wait until 39 weeks to schedule a c-section I told him he was NUTS!! I am hurting all over and the sooner the better so long as we both come out healthy!

I got my wonderful earrings from Buck N' Ear and I love them more!! I out them on right away. I am one to never change my earrings but these were just too perfect!

My doc also said that it "looks" like a girl still so...??? I really want to order these great Little onesies but I am not going to do anything until it's out of me! You can find these and other great stuff from

I brought Marley a Big Sis shirt and hair clip and just got Vinni/Wheylin a White PJ with a starfish embroidered on it. Of course I got them all from Etsians!

Well I hope everyone is feeling good. I am still not all there but I am slowly coming to!

Monday, June 8, 2009

WOW!! I'm sick!!

Of course I would be sick! I have been hurting all weekend. I think it may be the flu so I am going to the doctor's later on today and of course I came to work! I kida have to considering that I will be going out on maternity leave for 8 weeks, if I am not put on bedrest. I am achy to begin with and just thru in achiness from the flu or flu-like symptoms and VIOLA!!!

Anyway, I made some jewelry but can't find my camera ao I have been try to take pics from my iPhone but they are not looking too good. The color is just way off.

Anyways, I am looking for a matching diaper caddy for the new baby. Here is Marley's------------------------------------------------------>

Now I am trying to get something similar. I put a Alchemy on Etsy and so far I have gotten a few bids but I thought I'd mention it here too. I don't want the same thing but similar or a better idea would be nice. I would like to maybe even have a double one since there would be 2 sets of different sized diapers. Well, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions shoot them my way.

I am also looking to repair my Grandmother's turquoise necklace. 2 of the stones fell out. I don't think it is worth any money but it has sentimental value to me. I don't know where to go with this. I want to keep it within the NYC or LI area just so I don't have to worry so much about shipping it. As you can see my iPhone is not going either pic justice. This pendant is more turquoise than blue. You can see the 2 stones missing though and that is what is most important. Does anyone know where I can get this fixed??? I would love to wear it again but I am so afraid that more pieces will fall off and then that would just crush me!!!

Hope everyone is feeling better than me and hope all enjoyed their weekend!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well today is a horrible day (yet again) I woke up at 2:30 AM and stayed up until 5:30 in which I woke up at 6 to get ready for work. I had to come in today because both of my bosses are out (I have two job titles and one salary!) My back hurts, I am limping from the sciatica, it's raining and I left my $25 umbrella at the bus stop yesterday and my Mother "borrowed" the other one so I had nothing this morning, AND I am done!! I am exhausted and my throat hurts so the coughing continues!!!!

I was supposed to go to the Brooklyn Historical Society tonight for an opening of an exhibit with a tour off the library but I don't know if I can make it. I might just try to nap in my office and see how I feel there after but I can't count on it.

Anyways, of course I brought many things from Etsy yet again but I really couldn't help myself! I found this awesome seller who sells all of her handmade earrings for only $2! These are one of the two pairs that I brought.

You can find her on Etsy at:

I also went on this morning with the intentions on checking statues and the like and I saw this and just had to buy it. It was only $7! It's a neat little bag that I can get organized with. I usually throw everything into that little pocket that they put in your purse (which really doesn't hold much!) so this will help me big time!

You can find her stuff at

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and I hope I can enjoy mine!!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just a Little Note

Well, there is not much to report today but I got my bag from Majkatree and it is bigger than expected (she gave me measurements but I am retarded when it comes to that LOL) but who cares?? I am an avid reader who carries a lot of books with me! I am also a student and I just started to crochet so maybe this IS the perfect bag for me! It is beautiful tho!!! I will take a pic and show pass it 'round. It was a custom order so...??

I also wanted to share my friends Etsy site. I think I own almost all of her stuff. She makes things locally in our neighborhood so it is very nostalgic to me. This is one of her awesome shirts!

She also makes these great bags to that are recycled from seat belts. Everything she creates is eco-friendly! She also just started to make these cool cork coasters.

I ordered them in red or purple. I couldn't decide so I am making her do the decision making. I have yet to receive them but I have no doubt in my mind....

As far as my pregnancy goes...I really think I am running out of room here! I don't remember my first pregnancy being so, so..?? Marley was easy (well, except for the end when I had an emergency c-section 5 weeks early!) I hope at least the delivery and healing process go better than Marley. We have also decided on names!! Vinni Francis for A GIRL and Wheylin (Thomas? Bobby?) if it's a boy. The Ultrasound and the 3D both said girl but it was leaning towards girl NOT completely saying that it was...OH WELL as long as it's healthy we will be happy.

Talk to you guys soon!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forever Creative on Facebook!

So I am attempting to do a facebook for the Etsy shop Check it out on the Find Me At tab to your right and let me know what you think.

I haven't made anything still and have yet to update my shop but I have been buying great items for the "soon-to-be-completed-jewelry" so stay tuned. There are also a lot of stuff I have to do to fix up my shop. I ordered my free business cards again from the usual place along with a banner for when I do vendor spots at

I also have to share with you this amazing artist on Etsy. I had such a difficult time on trying to figure out what I wanted. I went for something simple since most of my stuff is kinda "out-there". She has so many wonderful things on her site you just have to see. I also checked out her Flickr page and WOW!!!! . Etsy shop She is also very sweet indeed and a pleasure!

The one above is of the one that I brought The Dahila Flower and the other pic is just another style that she created All About the Button. She also does a lot of another amazing clay creations that you just have to see for yourself.

Please don't forget to check out my new facebook page and become a fan!!!! Thanks for your support and please pass it along to your friends and fam!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This May be Fun

Since I love to come on here and rave and rant and post things that I did or made or whatever I thought it would be nice to say some things about my recent purchases and to add some great Etsy sellers on here as well.

I wanted to mention the things I have recntly brought. I like to buy from Mazzy522 She sells these great bows and clips for babies and children. She also makes these great bow holders. I have ordered from her so many times and each times she amaxes me. She is also the one that I mentioned last week about getting me the Bumble Bee clips again! Here is a pic of one that I just love!

I also brought a great bag from majkatree (she also has a blog I asked her about one she made and sold for sopmeone on Etsy and she communicated so quickly and made me a similar but better one and I haven't got it yet but I am sure I will love it!!!!She also makes these great wallets/make-up bags/Whatever....

I still have yet to update my shop but I will soon enough. School is out but Summer is here and I got only 5 more weeks until the new addtion arrives.

Happy Shopping All

Friday, May 29, 2009

So far so NOT good...Sorta

You ever have one of those days....Everything goes bad? Today's my day!! First I woke up at 12AM because there's a human growing inside me and is very much running outta room (6 more weeks to go) so getting comfy is just not in the cards. When I finally started dozing off around 2:30 Marley wakes up!!! She has been very congested and has post-nasal drip (is that the correct spelling??) so she coughs in her sleep and so she woke herself up and did not want a bottle and we have been really trying to get her in the crib lately and it has been a struggle but it has worked out until she got sick. So because I haven't slept and have work and am pregnant (and mostly hurting...feels like a rode a horse!) I put her ion the bed with us were she got calm until I kept annoying her with wiping of her nose (Mother's do that!!!) I just hope I get some sleep tonight!

So after all this I am going to work at 7AM and try to run in the rain to get the express bus to Manhattan. I live by the beach so it is nice and windy and when you mix that with hard rain...Well, you get the idea. So I get the bus (yay) I spill my coffee on my white shirt (boo) I get to work (now it stops raining ) but I am 10 minutes late, which is OK I guess, so I sit to eat a peach and drip that on my shirt so now I have wet spots all over my shirt. I sit Indian style pretty much all the time and it's easier now to do than cross my legs BUT I guess I forgot the rain because my pants were soaked and now so was my butt!

There are worse things but I am too cranky for any of this so that's why I consider it One of Those Days

Anyway, Thanks again Amanda for your kind words and Congrats again and again on making it onto Etsy's Front Page.

Diane, Once I pay my rent I am buying 2 shirts from Idea I love it all and I want it all!! Keep sending me things I love it!! Hope you are feeling well and get on this thing and start adding more to your shop cuz I know you got stuff already made....

AND one good thing is that I finally finished reading Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo. Loved it!!!! Gave it 5 stars on Goodreads Now I gotta work on Going After Cacciato & Almost Moon

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! I almost did, it was great until Sunday when we were on the beach and realized that Marley (our daughter) was not herself and it turned out she had a fever. It lasted until Tuesday morning! But she seems better now. She doesn't have any flu-like symptoms so I guess that's good news.

I didn't get around to making much jewelry but I did but lots of pendants, some vintage and some not. I just gotta go and buys more beads and toggles so I can make some fab stuff. I got a ton of new ideas now I just gotta find time.

I also got my 3 Hour Glucose test results back and of course it is normal. I knew it was just because I forgot to fast 2 hours before the first one. I took such care of myself with Marley but now with this one, I am not doing such a good job. I am too achy to work out and all I eat is junk! I am trying to eat better but since I don't have much to go I think the damage is already done. I am still going to eat my fruits & veggies and drink lots of water but...??? I love hot dogs!

Well, here is a necklace that I finished and it is on my top 3 faves!! It reminds me of the beach so....

Friday, May 22, 2009


I sold some more. I wear what I make and I am a jewelry Nazi so...People always want to see what I am wearing next. I sold the Minty fresh Necklace and I also sold the B&W Links Necklace. I have 3 requests for the Endless Fruity Necklace and I have potential buyers for both turquoise necklaces as well as my leaf necklace. I made some more jewelry but it sold right away by a friend of my Mother's.

Well, I am hoping to get outta work early today so I can get started on my busy weekend. I just wish this weather would last thru the weekend or at least on Sunday. I really want to bring Marley to see my brother-in-laws band play and if it rains they have to take it in doors and it may be too loud for her and to closed for me. I always have a fear that a bar fight would break out and I be knocked over!!!

Well I really have nothing more to blab about. I am sure I could go on forever but I should just quit while I am ahead.

Have a great Weekend All!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Early Bird

So I got up early this morning because my daughter (day 2 in the crib!) woke up at 5AM and just wanted her soothie (pacifier) and I thought my hubby said it was 12AM so I am all annoyed because I was now wide awake and didn't know what I was going to do for the next few hours while I had to be up at 6AM to get ready for work. After awhile I realized the sun was coming out so I checked the clock to find that it was in fact 5AM!! that was sorta exciting because I really didn't want to roll around in bed for a few hours! ANYWAY!! I got to put up three more pieces! I have a lot of stuff made it's just a matter of getting them photographed and listed so I at least accomplished a little something!

I took Diane's advice and got another crochet hook to see the difference and I like what I am seeing. I made a thicker crochet necklace and I am still attempting to add a flower to it but am having little trouble but I m determined to get it!! I also made another crochet necklace and added a bead just to see what it would look like and it came out OK I was not too keen on it but at least I am trying new things and getting new ideas. I also thought of another style I want to try so hopefully I can make it to a yarn store and buy some thin yarn to get started. I have a very busy weekend so I will see what can be done.

Tonight I have to go to the Orthodontist and then get a hair cut (good thing they areright next door to each other) Friday I am getting a manicure after work then I am free to do whatever (maybe I will get my hubby to take me then??), Saturday, I have to go to the 3 hour glucose test then I am going to cutting for a Kause which is an event where people get their haircut and donate it to cancer patients and then later that night I have a baby shower, Sunday, I have to go to my Brother-in-Laws band play at a local outdoor bar/restaurant. I figured I can go because it's outside and I can be as preg as I want with Marley! I think Monday is available but my hubby has work so I would have to wait until he got home. I don't drive and I really don't want to but it does get annoying sometimes.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Well, I did it! I made my first sale! I put up some stuff last night, finally, and it paid off. As soon as I did I announced it on Myspace and Facebook and someone brought the Endless Fruit Links necklace! I went to school with her but haven't seen her in some odd years but it is a nice feeling to get my stuff out there. I sold a lot of stuff out of Etsy as well as I may have mentioned before.

I also got some new yarn so I will work on making more stuff. I really got to get to the Bead Shop because I need some more supplies! I am out of school until the end of Agust so I will have time, well at least until the new baby comes (Vinni? Wheylin?)

Oh well!! Diane, I hope you saw that necklace I sent you! It was beautfil but it was way too much $$ for me! I can sneak a few things here and there but that was just a little out of my budget and the funny thing is, is that my hubyy said "Oh, you should buy it anyway" Yeah right!!! He always says that but I feel too guilty. I just always think, I could buy more for that price!!!!

Here is the 2 new items I made that are not crochet!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some people are just great!!

Well, my number 1 fan, Diane sent me links to awesome scarves and necklaces on Etsy because she knows I am addicted and obsessed and I gotta tell ya...She has good taste!! I haven't decided on which scarf I want though so I have to give that one some thought. I also got some great stuff that I ordered from Etsy in the mail yesterday. One was my yellow triangle knitted neck piece, AND I LOVE IT!!! I am going to wear it on Friday to work to show it off during the great weather. I also got my iPhone Cozy. It was knitted in brown with a yellow flower and it's awesome!! And last but never least I go tmy caterpillar children's hair bow holder. When I saw it I knew it was toooooo perfect and I was telling the seller that I lost the bumble bee clip that I brought for my daughter on her birthday and she sent me another one! I almost cried when I saw it. First, because that was my fave clip thus far and second, because that was just really sweet, Some people are just great!!

I made 2 pieces last night but my battery in my camera died and my daughter was playing with my phone so I didn't get a chance to take some pics. I made a turquoise & silver dangle necklace and a yellow stone bracelet. I never really make bracelets and I guess because I don't wear them as much but I am trying to make more. I also never make earrings. I never change my earrings so...??? but I have been making some.

I hope all are doing great and I hope the weather gets better and stays that way for some time! But hey, at least I will have the summer off on maternity leave! I should go into the hospital on 7-8-09 (get it?!??) and I will thus be on maternity leave until the beginning of September.

Well, Happy Creating all!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not really in the mood...

Well, my gold party was good. I made about $265.00 which is not much in comparison to what others have made but I don't care! It's free money right? AND the most important thing is that I got to see my friends and hang out.

Sunday, my hubby was cranky so it wasn't all that fun but I had my nephew over for a few hours and then my friend and is daughter came over for a bit so we had a nice little gathering.

All I really did Saturday was do lots of laundry and clean the house so my body was very achy. So much so that I barely ate on Sunday which probably is not good when you are preg like me!!! I got nothing else accomplished this weekend as far as jewelry goes andmost likely will not do much tonight either because after work I am shooting home and going to bed!! I didn't fall asleep last night until midnight and then at 2AM my daughter decides to wake me up screaming bloody murder because she was very gassy so my and the hubby was up with her until she got it all out but then of course she didnt't want to go back to sleep and we had to fight with her until about 3:30 and then finally got to sleep. Oh and I forgot to mention that she headbutted me in the nose twice and got busted my hubby's lip! I don't know what to do with her and this new head-Butting thing!! Anyone got any suggestions??

Hopefull tomorrow I will get more yran and beads and create some more piece and I really gotta fix up my shop and put the new items on there.
Oh Well!! i hope everyone else's weekend was good!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


I took some pics from my iPhone and then I realized what time it was and ran outta work totally forgetting to show the pics LOL. The pics of my "new" work are not that great so I will put up good ones over the weekend and I should have them in my shop come MOnday (if I don't sell them)

I hope everything works out Diane, I have those fears all the time and since my Mother is so unhealthy she drives e insane with not wanting any help but...? Stubbornish runs in the family. So I wish you all the luck and hope you all can pull through with as little as strss possible!

Here are the pics...

As I said these are done from an iPhone in my office. and the colors are more vibrant. The first is Black & White, The Second is green, yello, and purple, and the last is fall colors.

I worse the black & White one to work and am getting a lot of compliments so far and 2 requests!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New & News

Well My daughter Marley is fine!! The did an EKG and heard a little murmur but since she is developing fine and has no other problems they feel that whatever it is she will grow out of! YAY!!

I am also expirementing with corchet and there are some pics on the side that show what I have creating thus far. I have also attempted to do a crochet hemp bracelet but it lookded kinda bland and I think I am going to go out this weekend and buy some beads to jazz it up a bit. I am going to wear one of my new creation to work tomorrow to show it off!!

I hope that Saturday goes well and I get my shop out there.

I will let you know of course.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Wel not only is today a hectic day, it just had to start off badly, and here it goes:
-Woke up late did the mad dash to get ready
-Shirt Wrinkled, no time to iron
-Made the bus (Phew)
-someone crashed into the bus as it was picking up passengers
-had to wait for the next bus (which was crowded but I got a seat)
-Lots of traffic in the City
-Got to work a half hour late
-leaving work at 2 to take my daughter to the cardiologist (in Queens)
-have to come BACK to the city to go to the last day of classes (I thought it was next week)
-then go home

BUT in all of this I still have to write a grant proposal project for one class (which is 75% done but due next Tuesday) and I still have to write 8 more pages to my final paper on Developing An Archive. NOT TO MENTION that I somehow have to make it back to class tonight to do a presentation!

OH don't forget that I am over 7 months pregnant!!!

OH and I almost forgot! I took my glugose test on Monday just to find out that my sugar was high and now I have to go for the 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Testing on a Saturday monring!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Attempts Count?!?!?

Well, I attempted to make a necklace last night but as I was doing so my husband was huffing and puffing everything he had to grab the baby away. It was his idea. He told me :why don't you make some jewelry?" but as soon as I was surrounded in bead-maddness he gets all worked up. So the piece I started to created is 90% done. I just got to add one more embellishment to it. I attempted (yet again) to add it on there before I stopped, becuase I hate to leave things undone, but I had my husband cut the chain but he so too high and then I had to fix it and I was just getting annoyed (at him) so it all stopped.

I have class tomnight and then tomorrow I have to work but leave early to bring my daughter to the infamous docrot's and then come all the way back and go to my other class. normally I would just pass the class off but it is the second last class and I don't know what he wants from us then so...???

I hope all is well and I hope that my shop takes off soon but I will be able to put a little bit more effort into it when school is finished, at least until the new baby comes.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Currently I am...

Well, I did a lot of cleaning and did 3 loads of laundry yesterday...Mother's Day... I was just so tired of looking at it. I don't know why my husbands wait for me to do it??? Oh well it's done now! I hope everyone else enjoyed their special day!

We brought my daughter to the doctor's for her 12 month check up and she has a heart murmur so now we have to bring her to a cardiologist. I heard it was very common but it is very scary too!! I only want health and safety for my child(ren). We are going on Wednesday so I will let you know hoe it went. I am trying not to get all worked up about it. I will deal with whatever comes my way!

So I am getting good at the chain stitch with crocheting. That is pretty much what I really wanna do. I wanna make endless links and make it into a fab necklace. I will take a pic of my current link chain and show it off and I would love some feedback! I am also going to attempt to knit even though 2 needles are intimidating...I figured I will give it a hot in a few weeks when classes are over.

I am also hoping to get to the bead shop so I can create more pieces because this weekend I am hosting a Gold Party ( and I thought it would be a great way to show my friends and family some of my work and also hand out some cards so they can pass the word! If they buy that would be even better.

Oh well, I hope everyone is doing great!

P.S. Diane, I think you should get a webcam and teach me how to knit LOL

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Don't have much time but I wanted to wish all Happy Mothed's Day!! Even if you have no children You still have those Mother instincts especially if you are married LOL

I am taking the day off from work tomorrow to bring my daughter to the Dr's so I might be able to get a chance in to make more jewelry and hopefully get my crochet-on!! I have been practicing and I am getting the hang of it (a little)

Happy & Heathly all!!!!

THX Diane! You are the best! Always with great ideas. I hope you reconnect with those you miss!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I made a few pieces last night and finally was able to get some pics up and t hey are ready and for sale on my Etsy site!

My hubby gave me an hour or two to get things together so...?? I also attempted yet another stab at crocheting and to tell ya, it's not so therapeutic just yet! I just got the single chain stitch down and then my Mother decided to show me how to go back and make them thicker!! WOW, not so much fun yet but i m not going to give up just yet! I have determination as I do with everything LOL

I hope that my jewelry is pleasing1 It is hard to sell on Etsy when it never gets to really make it there in the first place. I show people what I made and then I get requests so there may not be a lot of stuff on the site but trust me when I say that I keep myself busy. I do have a lot of happy customers and I will always strive to keep it that way. It is still not enough to support my family, not that I expect to, I just want enough to support my jewelry addiction LOL

Enjoy everyone and please feel Free to contact me with whatever questions you may have!! I also take suggestions too!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Site

I am just trying to get this thing rolling....

Many of the pics aren't that great and as I may have mentioned time is an issue so I try to get the best that I can. I just try to focus my attention to the items that I am making.

I make most of my sales offline. My Mother usually brings them out and about to show off and they usually are sold right away. I also wear most of what I make so I can show it off too but as you might notice on my buyer account ( I am a huge fan of different & one of a kind jewelry & fashion so...?? I always send people to the sites in which I purchase from so if I ever buy from you be prepared for more customers ;-)

I am loving the Etsy community and want to thank those who have helped me build my site as well as my interests again! People at Etsy are amazing and always willing to help and there are no pushy sales [people! It is all very comfy so if you never brought from Etsy start doing so you will not regret it!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009
