Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello Everyone!!!

I know I have been MIA for quite some time but with them babies and school and work...Well, you get the point. It has been crazy. I put a hold on my jewelry making and my vintage findings and obviously my Etsy shops. I need to focus all my energy (well, maybe not energy but focus....) on school. I wasn't happy with my performance with last semester because I put too much on my plate so now I think I will just focus on my last semester and just get it over with. I am taking 2 classes and then I will be done come May!

After that I will start slowly to re-introduce my shops. I have so much stuff that just need to be sold so I may have a sale in the meantime but that still requires me to set it all up with pics and details and mailing. As soon as I get this thing back on it's feet in a few months time I will pass the word around as I hope you will do the same for me as well!

I hope everyone is enjoying their crazy winters and wish for springtime fast!!!

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